Weezy writes:
Welcome to Podcast 45 featuring Weezy, The Swish and our guest, Melinda Hill who brought her friend Tig, of Podcast 28 fame. Also, we call Emily May from the website, HollabackNYC! designed for women to seek revenge against perverts by snapping their pictures with cell phones and posting them on the site. Tig and Melinda take us behind the scenes at Last Comic Standing where Tig was a finalist. Did the best comics get picked for the show? Tig and Melinda share their careful and reasoned opinions. There's something for everyone as Melinda plays a clip from her very famous "lifts and separates" voice over, Tig continues to call me "Humpy" and Laura plays clips from Guy Branum's Seder. Join us, won't you?

Melinda links:
944 magazine (Melinda writes a monthly column called "Hipsterrific"