Weezy and The Swish podcast 105

Weezy & The Swish (with Brett Gilbert) Celebrate Nerds, Geeks and Dorks. It's a Nerdapalooza, A Geekorama, a Dorkaganza... well, you get the point. Our guests are Comedians, Jackie Kashian and her podcasting partner (who hasn't moved to San Francisco) Joe Wilson. Together, they host "Dork Forest Radio" and Comedian Lauri Roggenkamp. Together with us, they celebrate all that is Geeky, Dorky, and Nerdy, such as this show description. Join us... if you're Geek enough...

Weezy & The Swish (with Brett Gilbert) Celebrate Nerds, Geeks and Dorks. It's a Nerdapalooza, A Geekorama, a Dorkaganza... well, you get the point. Our guests are Comedians, Jackie Kashian and her podcasting partner (who hasn't moved to San Francisco) Joe Wilson. Together, they host "Dork Forest Radio" and Comedian Lauri Roggenkamp. Together with us, they celebrate all that is Geeky, Dorky, and Nerdy, such as this show description. Join us... if you're Geek enough...
by Pierce on Sun 24 Jun 2007 11:54 PM PDT