Friday, January 29, 2010

A Message From Weezy

"Episodes 1, 5-32, and 34-37 have gone missing. Can you help rescue them? If you are in possession of any lost, missing and/or exploited episodes of Weezy & The Swish, we will graciously credit you here on the website for their safe and heroic retrieval. Thank You!"


NFBlaze said...

well if they got deleted off a pc try a recovery program like Glary Undelete....tho i cant help you other than that today is my first day coming to listen to this

zb said...

those are exactly the episodes i'm missing. i'll try glary undelete and report back as soon as i get the chance.

FatalPierce said...

Sorry for the extreme lateness of this reply, but to clarify the episodes were lost from a server that is no longer in service and somehow none of us had backups.

Unknown said...

thanks spooie! i have episode 21. how do do i submit it?

FatalPierce said...

the best way is if you can upload it to a site and get the link to me somehow, since the files are really too large for email. Spooie used Megaupload and worked excellently.


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